I enjoy driving 10/10 always.
I enjoy driving 10/10 always.
I last had a speeding ticket in 2006.
It isn’t spamming, as I am not doing it indiscriminately, but with a specific purpose. It is a punctuation mark to the statements which precede it.
I want to take my Tacoma, put an xtra cab on the base frame and then place the short bed box from the four door on that same frame. Leaving me with a little more cab space, but retaining the wheelbase.
What percentage of a hero am I for driving in winter with my window open in Denver while blasting AC DC Back in Black?
With each passing year of not making education or manufacturing a priority, we as a country have lost those skills and the number of people who possess them.
I’m probably being too literal or missing some joke I’m unaware of, but I thought NASCAR cars were skittish for different reasons, like undulating tracks, loose suspensions and drunken hillbillies. The last was a joke. in Hillbilly South, car drive YOU.
I found a navy source who indicated it was a bad design, because it lacked sufficient weaponry and defensive capabilities to defend itself and would require too many other ships in support.
It’s incredibly boring.
Good, a nice organized retreat in which you back away from all the facts presented in the discussion and take two words out of context to pretend you still have a pair.
I always find it fascinating when people who understand so little, much less about me, feel qualified to claim things about me, absent evidence.
1. I cited Wikipedia, because it’s there and it addresses a point about how you seeming to think sending out an aircraft, without it weaponry being functional is somehow not a cause for concern. For example, would you sell a truck to someone and think it perfectly reasonable to tell them that there’s no bed yet, but…
Think globally, act locally, or don’t.
I have not read it. What do you see as encouraging in it?
Resource based economy. Governments run by experts in the needed fields, rather than Joe Fruitcup being elected by people who don’t understand the problem any better.
1. Do you know what isn’t being detected and why? It is largely based on the fact that the technology being used in the areas where items get through can’t discriminate. A 2D x-ray image is tough to read. Most things that are getting through are organics, which usually appear as nothing, but are the test items used to…
1. Profiling doesn’t work. Consider the terrorist activities of the last decade and how often they fit the generic profile of a terrorist.
Ah...you still have faith in people. I remember when I used to have faith in people.