Wes Hutchings

Not to mention a lay and a blowjob, but the misses is being obstinate.

1. I specified a specific tattoo as a form of label. Did you miss that in your rush to judgement?

Ah, the oh so well thought out, “ I know you are, but what am I?” argument.

I’m having fun on Jezebel presently with a discussion about responsibility for why Trump won. They seem to have a problem with personal responsibility.



I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. I’m the one on the right.

If my point was to try and find the earliest example the link provides it. Far earlier than the Capri II or Chevette.

You’re welcome?

I’m too old to get into any serious fights. If someone shows up I’ll either kill them or get my ass kicked for being too slow.

A tough guy with a fake name?

Feel free to test that theory.

Now playing

I’m 51. I have advanced periodontal disease, so ice cream makes my teeth hurt.

Now playing

I have this problem with not letting inaccuracy stand. It comes in waves. Sometimes I don’t care and move on, sometimes I just point out the facts. If I’m angry it’s embarrassing.

Finding solutions to the worlds problems is easy.

I missed that on the news. So the recount by Jill worked and Trump is no longer set to be president?

If it’s an option, sure.

Thank you for your concern.

Poor Wesley Tanner. Remembered for the full length of the Internets short attention span for recording video in portrait.

It’s sad when one lives in a world in which they think these types of comments count as edgy.