They have a long history of 4 cylinder engines.
Precision, not exactly your string suit. What exactly is, while we’re at it?
No bait, but do feel free to keep trying. Self awareness is a good first step, even if misguided in its attempted understanding.
Ironically, I think an apocalypse is the only thing at this point which would make life worth living for me.
1. The world is sadly full of people like you.
What’s it like to be unable to connect concepts?
Yeah, I have a copy of Fight Club too.
1. You keep stating that irregardless of criminal activity, the victim is still to blame for their activity.
1. Unless it’s a planetary calamity, the same circumstances will still exist.
It’s pretty good.
Wise up, Lou.
Actually, all of our lives suck.
Ironically, I think an apocalypse is the only thing at this point which would make life worth living for me.
I’ve just spent the last 20 minutes trying to find where I’ve seen this kind of idea, with cowled hood mirrors.