Wes Hutchings

Way back in olden times, someone decided that a common repository of knowledge which allowed for the open exchange of scientific ideas would be a good idea.

Why thank you very much.

Is that your best or only argument?

You’re welcome.

Make your case then.

I think I know why the paint is in good shape.

No , that is me saying you are not clear on the concept of what I was trying to say with the gif.

Now playing

1. As long as we have capitalism, we’ll have income disparity.

Aren’t at least half of these places known for kidnapping people for ransom, almost as a hobby?

The only thing that fits that description is when you said you didn’t get the concept of gif vs jif,

Hey now!

1. You’re not smart enough to understand it.

Money = Debt

I’m actually fine with that.

What is : Stuff I won’t care about, because I’ll be fucking dead?

Have we learned nothing from IV drug use?

1. You have you head up your ass. The cartoon illustrates how this is a surprise to you.

Again, it’s you.

But....the dildo was still in the stands filming?