YYG! Starmee

I write in cursive, but I don't know why? What's so special about cursive? Why did I switch over? (I write in all-caps sometimes, too.)

@Pininfarina: Not to mention round-off and truncation errors in the current digital system, 1/7 + 1/7 != 2/7.

@SewerShark: Wasn't Palm the first to hit it out of the park with touch input?

@MikeK: Exactly. The seams in the iPhone 4 are to separate the 3 antennas. Without the seam, you short two of the antennas together and you get antenna gate...

Those crocs would even make Steve Irwin scared!

@(Xeraphim): It is the duty of the people of Giz, Techcrunch, engadget, etc to notify and educate the general populace of the urgency and necessity of this issue. The Pixel Qi must be raised like a torch of liberty, beckoning to the tired, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and the wretched refuse of your

@Squalor: Why didn't somebody tell me earlier? (Of course my "F" key probably would've been glued down rendering it useless for any other application.)

I hope this thread doesn't end up like the LAST commenter thread...

@Tycho Vhargon: Yeah, I used to go to sparkfun everyday. I looked at the pictures expecting some top-down view of a park or something and BAM, there's an arduino.

@QuarterToTomorrow: I can't write the date correctly since I lived in Europe for a few years. This darn system has foiled my brain.

Soon we'll have 10:10:10 10/10/10 (which happened in binary land 8 years ago, but I wasn't savvy enough to notice)

@Wwhat: And the fact that the idea of zero hadn't firmly been established with the greeks (or romans for that matter)

@Lord_Data ∞: Log on as admin and delete the file. Only fools log in and perform daily tasks as the solitary administrative user on a pc... Oh if only that were true.

@Isotope: -1 @ your avatar pic!