YYG! Starmee

@a059970: It depends on if you define the 90's as 90-99 or the 200th decade. If you're calling it the 200th decade, then yes. Personally I'm confused as to why we don't call 2000-2009 the aughts.

@erikistired: The success of this game may be in question then. Everyone knows that pirates, ninjas, and zombies guarantee awesomeness.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I believe so. For example the word "day" is made with your left hand pointing to your right elbow. Your right hand forms a "D" and is lowered toward your left elbow. There are a lot of interpretive signs in ASL however.

@phunnyballs: Man those Russians are freakin' genius!

@stavosws6: Didn't they have that in the first Lego Island? You had to build the car and the jet ski before you could race them. I, of course, built them all in black and red.

@Xagest: You could use HP, but I personally can't think very well on my head in Warsaw.

Kinect is freaking genius. Now, that I can see the signal processing that is going on, I want one. I never thought I'd get an Xbox either.

Oo, I am with all you mouse believers. It's a flat mouse, potentially with touch features. The matte finish (possibly their pleather cover) with the Microsoft logo is a place to rest your wrist. (It looks way too much like the keyboard I'm typing on now.) The logo is too large on the object to be anything but a

Oh, how I have waited for this day. I started researching nuigroup.com and DIY multitouch for this very purpose. I feel tingly inside.

They even factored in BP's oil spill.

Does nobody realize that signal attenuation is not the design issue that RIM mentioned? When you hold the iPhone4 in the death grip, you happen to be shorting two of the three antennas with your fleshy conductive finger.