
This makes me so sad. I’m an older millennial (born in ’86), and while social media obviously has huge issues re: privacy and jealousy/perspective, it has connected me with my peers in a way that previous generations simply couldn’t. It has also helped REDUCE my loneliness - I’m part of some really amazing private

The good news is that in a recent poll of Sanders primary voters, it broke down that they were voting Clinton 90%, Ttump 6%, Not Voting 2%, Undecided 1% and Other (aka, Stein and Johnson) 1%.

Yet. Just hang out for a while. Trump is getting to that part.

The Third Reich didn’t start out like that, either. Things were actually humming along nicely when my great grandparents decided it was time they left.

Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

News flash. We know.

Ummmm..... no.

Jesus wept... that poor woman. If it were me listening to that recording about myself, I would have thrown up several times before they even got to the bit about the fish-and-chips.

White guy has far more respect/love for dogs than women. Startling.

Wilder meant the film as a comedy. He had been working on it for many years with Charles Brackett before shooting. They kinda hated each other too.

Did you know that Billy Wilder originally had a different opening scene where William Holden is on a slab in a morgue and gets up and starts the story? The audience thought it was a comedy, so he cut it for the now iconic swimming pool opening.

You are my new hero.

It’s been done.

You know, I thought so, too. And then I read this:

Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.

"they're getting a great deal"

red goes well with red

I dye my hair red and wear red as often as possible.

not true, i am a redhead and i wear 50 shades or red. at this point, my glasses are pretty much same color as my hair.