Yes, people love their pets. Glad that I could clear that up for you!
Yes, people love their pets. Glad that I could clear that up for you!
Season 2 is the cat just plucking off each character one by one. 100% would watch
I'm not even a cat person and the cat is my fav character and the only one I'm worried about.
I'm listening to it now and it's definitely poppier than Somewhere Else (I loved that album for how it was raw and sort of punk). I need to sit with it for a minute to decide how I feel about that. More Than Ever is my favorite track-although it sounds like it would be more at home on a Neko Case album, which I mean…
The super power to rarely find shirts that button properly
I live in New Orleans so this story's on nonstop since it's so close to us.
I have big boobs but no superpowers-life is truly not fair
Baton Rouge is not New Orleans but ok
I grew up in New Orleans-I'd had a fake ID since I was 13
SAME. She was gorgeous and fun but I guess Greg had money, at least.
Jo would kill Jason in the pilot
I'm really excited for the new Riverdale series but I'm an Archies nerd so it's basically made for me
But I read SciFi, comics, classics, and romance novels? Am I nerd or not? At least I'm adding years to my non-genre defined life, I guess.
Ponies and puppies-proving that I'm still 12 at heart I guess
It's my fav!!!!!! Pony dancing!!!
It's literally the only sport I watch in the Olympics-everyone is so goddamn well dressed and the horses are prancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dressage is the only sport that matters bc dancing ponies and fancy costumes.
Bc she slaughters animals to make cuts of meat?
Tori Amos - Boys For Pele
Mazzy Star - Among My Swan
Sleater Kinney - Call the Doctor
Sterolab - Emperer Tomato Ketchup
Cibo Matto - Sugar Water
The Craft
I Shot Andy Warhol
Waiting For Guffman
Bottle Rocket
I saw Bound in the theater; I was 15 and a burgeoning baby lesbian and I saw Violet and was like yep that's it-that's who I want to be (which is no surprise to anyone who's ever seen me)-I'm still rocking her style 20 years later.