All genders have buttholes
All genders have buttholes
My dog started growling at the screen and howling in the middle of The Babadook-I had to put her outside just to finish the movie (she's an avid tv/movie fan, but her tastes run towards action films; I guess horror isn't her thing)
Most people don't naturally assume that some random American White dude is British—unfortunately people do assume that American born POC are from exotic foreign lands (ask the any number of people who approach my mother daily assuming she can't understand English-I'm super annoyingly American, and so many folks have…
I read LOTS of erotica from Amazon, which is kind of like porn but no one knows I'm being skeezy
I probably would….
Please feel free to go to any of my family reunions or parties if you'd like to see lots of hard looking Latinos tear up over There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
I tried listening to Undisclosed but only made it 5 episodes in before I had to quit. I understand that they were coming from the point of view of clearing Adnan but it seemed so extremely biased, I couldn't really listen anymore
You win.
My ex looked exactly like Bruno Mars—such a babe but such a douche bag
I'm not even going to pretend like I don't sometimes do just that
I think her husband is super cute so I see why she's feeling it
Jennifer Tilly-I would just stare at myself in the mirror and caress my hair and try on clothes (which is what I do now, J Till is just prettier than me)
And who was super hot!
I'm gonna just stay creeped out by a man who has an imaginary daughter (although better an imaginary one I guess)
I would say "DUH" if someone I thought was hot asked me that question (but then my hormones have successfully been steamrolling my insecurities for years)
I have exactly 3 cassettes leftover from back when they were a thing you might have: R Kelly's 12 Play, The Cranberries Everybody Else is Doing It So Why Can't We, and Stevie Nicks The Wild Heart. I haven't had a tape player in years and I guess I'd like a way to play them so yay!
Such a sad story; she was an amazing musician
Right? I would love to settle in with my nieces and watch this