Yvette Regrets

I love love love this band! I also love Hole, though, so…..

I'm a former Goth Latina (who's now just a boring grown up Latina) so it's possible that she's engineered to appeal to me on a totally personal level but she's been my favorite since pretty much the beginning. She has fierce bangs, loves the Smiths, always has good quips….

Flaca is the best so you can just shut it right now.

I read a lot of smut so I'd be willing to give it a try I just remember not being able to make it past the first 10 pages of the original because the writing is so incredibly trite.

I'm not a huge pornography fan (videos, photos, etc) but I love written erotica-which is actually not that easy to find online, at least if you like it well written. So I guess I can understand why ladies are flocking to this BUT it's so awful, I just want to steer them towards the good stuff….

So tell me more about these Iranian BDSM orgies…..

I'm feeling tortured over missing it

I caught my sister giving her daughter coke in the baby bottle and I was like WTF are you doing???? And she's like, mom used to do this all the time and we're fine. I'm still confused as to how I'm related to these people.

I'm pretty sure no one would pay for that sex tape, sadly. :-/

My mom used to give us Cokes with Hershey Bars for breakfast before school and the only cereal we ever had was Cookie Crisp. It's honestly a miracle I'm alive and managed to figure out what vegetables are as an adult.

I'm a nerdy 30-something year old "professional" lady who listens to NPR religiously and is kind of a fan of Kim's. She represents the sort of hottie bombshell woman I'll never be and I find that endlessly fascinating.

Exactly! She's no more egregious than any other person who was born with lots of money

I'm tuning in either way!

I grew up in New Orleans eating French Fry poboys which are basically poutine sandwiches-the first time I tried Poutine proper,I was like, oh it's a french fry poboy without the bread, huh.

LOL I know!

Growing up we always had Coke around and my mom literally HATES Pepsi—it never even occurred to me that anyone would prefer Pepsi until I was an adult. I brought my (now ex although not bc of this incident) boo over for Thanksgiving and she just happened to be finishing up her bottle of Pepsi and my mom and brother

Life leaves me with a strong craving for Doritos

Only one?

Aren't you fancy? SIgh, I'd kill for a window.

What's that site again?