
Well, you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.. No matter, I might give this game a shot though I am a little iffy on the whole 'family-friendly' concept.. Guess this is what happens when Disney owns Marvel.. *facepalm*

You know, this got me to thinking.. Does this mean if I choose to play Daredevil, my entire screen will be black with the control tabs and everything else will be notified to me by audio? I mean, if I can see where he's going and what he can do, it's kinda pointless to play a blind superhero, right?

How would they know if the quarters were all hers? Some could actually be the ones he had himself..

The new iPhone probably doesn't have a soul.. Jokes aside, I STILL think the phone looks like a cheap knockoff. It just doesn't have the "class" of the black iPhone.

The coolness of the studio itself is making me want to go out and buy Borderlands..

I don't know but I kept thinking Metal Gear Solid XD

I can hear the movie failing even before its launched.. I'll probably never watch it.. Unless there's like slow-mo boob scenes. *facepalm*

What about Ultraman? How can you forget the man who, well, defends earth and the universe from monsters aiming to destroy everything. Every. Single. Episode. In. Every. Single. Adaptation.

I'm sorry but my people just can't make porn movies.. We can fly above trees and cook pretty much anything but making a porno is just not one of them...


I don't know how Otomo sensei can actually let something like this happen.. You never spoil art.. Wasn't Dragonball's mutilation enough?

Thinking if I should get Shogun 2 - Total War or just cram in more hours of StarCraft 2.. XD

@Mentuss your reply sir, is priceless.. +1

I think the messages are worth republishing another article on Gizmodo. Like you said, somebody outta make this into a book or a short film or something.

+1 to reply

Any girl with a proper cleavage is a win in my book.

I actually had great fun with Crysis. I just finished Crysis 2 and though I felt the game was being blocked off by an invisible wall with the lack of in-game physics the first one had, it was, all in all a relatively good game. Mind you, there were glitches here and there but I had fun and that's pretty much all that


Why do you get guys who don't know about fighting games to review fighting games? Seriously, you might as well send my dad in to go review StarCraft 2's next expansion.

Oh, no! Somebody got insulted after winning over a sore loser!! Seriously though, I'm not justifying the actions of those people but every game has sore losers and you can't really call yourself a professional unless you deal with them.