
I was about to say something exactly like that..

I agree. I've spent loads of time and money in MTG and I haven't played in years but everytime I see a mention of it anywhere, I can't help but take a second look. The biggest regret is only the amount of money I've spent and the cards I have in my collection which I'm too tied with into letting go.

I reckon I'd better set a will giving a trustworthy friend my password in case I kick the bucket to post a facebook status "just GG-ed. Thank you for playing. Game Over."

haha, I love your reply @Nefilim..

@blister: If that is true, I'd salute your friend.. That man knows his priorities, that he does..

"I like to say "pew pew" when I hit the ol' Mark As Spam button in gmail. It's therapeutic."

I'm gonna go with Modern Whorefare.. but I must say, Call of Booty is good.. So i'm gonna take both ideas and make it - Call of Booty - Modern Whorefare..

What about the porn? Oh the magnificent, glorious, amazing, funny, weird, creepy, sexy, fetish-y, pixelated porn..

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say a buck fifty.

I don't know about you guys, but I somehow feel like this article is just the author trolling. Facts aside, it's nothing new or groundbreaking if you asked me. Teenagers are sexting and this article is talking about non-stop texting?

Most expensive movie ever made.. PFFT... I can do better with my He-Man action figure and cheap voice overs.. and as far as musical numbers go, I'll just grab some random YouTube musical number and AutoTune it.. For a plot, it'll be boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, girl gets kidnapped by villains, boy

I've played 8 bit games with better graphics than that.

hehehe... seconded

Well, I can see how some people who just wanna feed their ego spend 2-3 times more than what the iPad is priced at JUST for the bragging rights..

Well, it's a new generation of music listeners, and I think what Stevie did was actually open up more opportunities for indie musicians to show their stuff, something which back then would've been close to impossible..