
been there, done that..

they're probably all mad cause she's got more friends than any of them.. so kicking her out would be the best way to handle it.. either that or Jesus is jealous she has a facebook account and he doesn't..

damn you gameloft.. you can rip off every other game on the internet, like modern warfare, halo, etc but you don't ever, EVER rip off the sanctity that is StarCraft.. DAMN YIEWWWWWWW... &*!@#^*$!... then again... it sure looks playable..

damn you gameloft.. you can rip off every other game on the internet, like modern warfare, halo, etc but you don't ever, EVER rip off the sanctity that is StarCraft.. DAMN YIEWWWWWWW... &*!@#^*$!... then again... it sure looks playable..

damn you gameloft.. you can rip off every other game on the internet, like modern warfare, halo, etc but you don't ever, EVER rip off the sanctity that is StarCraft.. DAMN YIEWWWWWWW... &*!@#^*$!... then again... it sure looks playable..

damn you gameloft.. you can rip off every other game on the internet, like modern warfare, halo, etc but you don't ever, EVER rip off the sanctity that is StarCraft.. DAMN YIEWWWWWWW... &*!@#^*$!... then again... it sure looks playable..

@mkim4x: but if I did that, i'd be considered flaming.. amazing what a few fancy words changes XD

THAT IS AWESOME! I'd so totally buy one.. If I bought an iPhone 4...

@TurboFool: what's really interesting is that it's all over the Gawker media sites.. I'm sorry but they make it sound like they've discovered the holy grail.. for the record, I am Indian.. well, half Indian...

you do realize you're late by about half a year about this, right? this movie was released somewhere in Q4 last year in India.. and many other Tamil-movie-watching countries..

I thought something unexpected happened but this is just stupidity at it's best. I facepalm for his failure.

thank gawd i read this before i went out blindly shopping.. XD

@indiecraig: I was about to say something exactly along those lines.. though the idea for giving a trial period for apps like office and such would actually garner more people to go out of their way to buy one..

@blyan is not on fire: can't say i disagree with that idea.. it saves time AND the world.. now.. if i can only explain that to my girlfriend....

@monkeybusiness: yeah, i can relate to that.. i still have a folder here with about a few hundred rare/foiled cards, not including all the spare cards that are collecting dust.. so sad..

@j.walk3: jesus will walk the earth again?

@GregtheMad: i'd hire the guy doing this to organize the lighting for a night.. it's pretty damn epic

feel free to look for me once you're in Malaysia, i'd be more than glad to introduce to food that will blow your entire exercise itinerary to hell :)