
@DJ_Skrull: well, if you think about it, transforming robots from space IS somewhat plausible.. now.. the beard.. i dun get why they would have one.. jetfire included..

is it just me or does anybody else notice the weirdness of having a robot with a beard on its face.. hmmm..

where i live, the ipad's price is almost as cheap brand new.. XD

I REALLY wanna see what the OnLive can do.. though.. I doubt I can enjoy the full functions of it in my country..

@Mailz: you forget that the 1st gen is probably the prettiest of all the iPod Touch Apple ever ever released.

@megan.l.best: now that you mentioned it.. i remember reading that news somewhere on giz.. my mind must've blocked it out..

honestly, i see nothing wrong with what they're doing.. they're helping the guy move on.. there's no use dwelling on his dead wife and kid..

@megan.l.best: god forbid they have another movie.. if they DO go to earth, i'd hate to see them force their USBs on human.. enemas would be a really bad sight to behold.. XD

@Live N Learn: probably off to find some USBs to have sex with.. and then some horses and a flying lizard..

seriously, it's avatar.. it's pocahontas with aliens and USB sex.. what's the big deal?

is it just me or does anybody else notice the jailbroken iPhone being used?