Nightmare of Solomon

Damn, this is fucked up. Everyone involved, from the guards who first injured him, to the ones who ignored him, to the doctors that “examined” him, need to face charges over this and lose whatever licenses they have for life.

I mean, on the one hand, Ramsey was a long time alcoholic. He has been almost constantly drunk for the majority of his career at RT, and finally became sober in 2017. Many of the things you mention fall into this time. He wrote in his apology tweet that he looks back at many things he did in this time with profuse

I love the expensive, upscale e-bike used in the picture instead of the dirt-cheap POS that was actually sold by Walmart. Here’s the actual bike:

Note: 53% of inflation over the last 8 years has been pure profit. Even though two weeks ago oil prices dropped to early 2021 levels, the lowest in fifteen months, these decreased transport costs have had no effect on inflation. OPEC+ responded by constraining supply to force prices back up to record levels. Why would

calling it “improper conduct” and an “outburst” in their PUBLIC MESSAGE suggests that internal communications about it are...using stronger language

Internet commenter knows more about situation than people involved.

I think the main reason why she spoke out now instead of when it actually happened way back (or how I interpret it at least!) is that Platinum has started saying that the change happened because of scheduling conflicts and vague “other” reasons, when that is an outright lie according to her. That would definitely be

eh, to me it’s shining a light on how VAs are pretty much fucked over.

confirmed. I’ve worked a number of jobs where there were royalties if the game turned a profit, and they just never seem to. Now, to be fair, some clearly didn’t, but the ones that broke 10 million copies... still no money left over for the people who made it? Yeah....

I think English VAs overall are paid far too little and should be paid and treated with more dignity and respect.

In this case, I’d like to know what she thought was fair for the job, what their first offer was, if she made any counteroffers, how many hours of work it was going to be, what she was paid for the previous

If there weren’t people “bitching” companies would be paying workers cents and children would be dying in coal mines.

The story is obviously not done. Taylor is free to bring the issue to the public.

Breaking news: you’re being an asshole about it

This is very tough territory for all involved. I was hired to replace Michael Beattie as Mordin Solus in “Mass Effect 3.” I had never played the game, so I didn’t even know I was replacing someone. I found out when I showed up to the session. My agents had sent me the audition, referring to it as an “alien scientist,”

an insultingly low offer for a role that she practically defined

I think the better question here. Is that when you are talking about earnings in the millions or tens of millions. Why the hell are you penny pinching over thousands.

“We held auditions to cast the new voice of Bayonetta and offered the role to Jennifer Hale, whom we felt was a good match for the character,”

I feel like people in the comments are missing the obvious conclusion that Kamiya just didn’t want Taylor voicing Bayo and lowballed her intentionally to have her back out. Not that I’m condoning this behavior, but this seems less about an industry-wide problem (though that is definitely a real issue) and more about a

after he served her court papers while she was promoting Don’t Worry Darling on stage.

I’m pretty sure Sudeikis did not personally serve Wilde with the papers.