yeah, I’ve also made the wrestling/kayfabe analogy in the past — glad I’m not the only one.
yeah, I’ve also made the wrestling/kayfabe analogy in the past — glad I’m not the only one.
just to complicate things more — there’s a wrestling element to v-tubing since it involves a lot of kayfabe — basically the audience has to buy that the actor behind the cute avatar is playing a character, and the actor has to remember that they’re playing a character of sorts.
sometimes, for better or worse, the line…
If the SIS is the element to which the mirror is mounted on as it seems that’s the case judging merc vis a vis other race teams -- that thing looks like it could hurt people in the event of a crash.
the sis looks like it would cause more damage to someone crashing into the merc than protect the merc driver...
The sidepod not being reinforced by the SIS will likely end with a decreased crash performance from the side -- furthermore, the SIS is now a dangerous element in a crash towards other drivers since its’s now a stiff rod sticking from the side of the car, almost at head level -- just that mercedes shaped it like a…
all completely fair points
Is there anything I can use for lint?
The modder should just go the whole way and have Cloud wear Ken’s gay ring for good measure.
sounds like PICA
Well, Police, in general, are just a branch of the KKK
or you could just skip those scenes...
it veers into disturbing stuff of sexual nature, but it’s not played for fanservice — you’re kind of supposed to find it disturbing because it’s the villains doing it.
that said, it’s not the focus, it just shows a facet of the villains
obviously not enough for a clickbait
that was precisely my initial thought before clicking on the article -- goddamn clickbait
Why that headline? Why not just go with Activision Blizzard instead of being very roundabout with “Call of Duty Maker”?
Her biggest enemy is not voter suppression —- it’s complacency. Laredo is an incredibly apathetic city and even though Cuellar’s offices and house were raided by the FBI, most people here in Laredo just shrugged it off and while he didnt go over the 50% needed to clinch it, he still scored a couple of hundred votes…
They’re heading into a runoff and she trailed Cuellar by a couple of points.
Yeah, Cho wasn’t the problem — it was the dismal script.
You made the mistake of thinking Elizabeth was gonna write something of value in regards to F1 matters.
She was the highest earning vtuber in the company, receiving more than 1 million dollars in superchats in 2 years — plus all the merch that had been sold featuring her, including the her bday celebration merch which had been announced 2 days prior to her firing.
If Cover Corp could keep her around they woulda have.