This was a great post that explains better how and why things went down like they did — so I’m sharing it here:
This was a great post that explains better how and why things went down like they did — so I’m sharing it here:
Gura’s og rigging is so bad it’s hilarious. Her “mama” has made other designs and rigged by other people and they’re so much better. Araka Luto is Gura’s “sister” and it’s waaaaaay better.
She breached contract by disclosing confidential business related information to a fellow vtuber known for leaking information about vtubers -- the guy’s literally known as Japanese Keemstar and he’s a piece of trash.
I’ve always wondered if Kson and Kanata are an item. They live together irl and are even moving together into a new apartment.
Cover was willing to sweep that incident under the rug — but she revealed confidential info to Korekore (Japanese Keemstar), that breach of NDA is what forced Cover’s hand in terminating the contract.
She literally breached contract by disclosing stuff covered by an NDA to Korekore (Japanese Keemstar).
It’s fucking sad cuz Cover was willing to sweep the initial incident under the rug and basically telling the fans to chill out and that the people behind the avatar have their own lives away from the screen, but she…
I completely agree with you. Heck, corporate vtubers, depending on their agency, prohibit them from doing collab streams with streamers of the opposite gender.
In a weird way, it reminded me when Lena Durham accused Odell Beckham Jr of sexism because he ignored her at the Met Gala and was content using his phone to…
Only rich people would wear shit that is an assault on the plebeians’ eyeballs.
you mean to tell me the other teams would not look at these photos for the press to glance anything they can about their rivals?
Those that know her story are certainly glad that she’s found success.
He’s only old because he squandered his time.
I think others have said it better — like how he constantly wants you to invest in his other creative endeavors while putting the project that actually got you invested in him as a creator in the backburner. Furthermore, I wish I had never read ASOIAF, because I hate unconcluded works.
That said, the phrase “GRRM is…
Netflix butchering something is nothing new.
We found the Nintendo fanboy
Maybe he’s not black enough for Keith.
If Jeannette Hayes and Fatima Pecci Carou can be accused of plagiarism (as they should) for badly copying anime girls and having them displayed at art galleries and museums -- so can Cotoh Tsumi.
I’d have preferred Trigger instead.
sure hope so