Box Shaped Heart

Mission accomplished.

Do you have some examples of these cases?

Like 55 million dollar lawsuits that are going to be thrown out.

I hope Obama has a chance to nominate a Supreme Court Justice.

Which makes me wonder, what is the abortion capital of the world?

I know, these goddamn motherfuckers are trying to stop us from killing these babies!

The god damn plain is flying into the mountain!

That’s a great story. Thank you for sharing it.

Reading is a skill.

I can understand him not going to the funeral, especially if two first ladies are attending, but why isn’t he selecting the next Supreme Court Justice?

Don’t get straaaaange!

No defense, but that is a gneiss photo.

I watch it every July when its 95 degrees outside.

There wouldn’t be a disconnected scene in a Coen brothers movie.

This is a great Coenedy.

Vote Trump vandalism = OK

Of course those are two very different things. I don’t see a man getting very upset over some name calling to begin with.

I’ve seen comments about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in Bernie Sanders stories. This does not seem like a derail at all.

In fairness, I think something like this would be on the news, you wouldn’t have to know someone personally that raped someone online in order for it to be true.