Box Shaped Heart

Any level of outrage for Constand taking hush money from Cosby to cover up his alleged behaviour?

Generally, you are not allowed to communicate about it publicly.

Let’s be honest, the headline of

She should be charged with rape and/or sexual assault.

Yep, you are going to have to accept heinous crimes like this so that you can continue to clinically do the same.

Or, you could buy an abortion from the doctor that donates to the Cruz campaign fund.

Who are you Godless Jezebels going to side with in this fight?

Well, to be fair, you bring shame to yourself. You want to bring shame to the opposition but you always come up short.

Women are desensitized to abortion now. If you have 1.2 million of them a year, it becomes no big deal.

That and you can still get some side action amirite?

Even the husband has no rights in his potential offspring.

1. Obviously. He just needs to stay off of the golf course long enough to do it.

“These broads are so funny, I’d watch them get an on air abortion.”

Yes, how many union jobs were saved by the Democrats for each one of these contracts that they pushed through?

So we should park an aircraft carrier in the Gulf as a projection of power over illegal immigrants?

We are gaining on him.

The millennials invented wine.

They play a mean game of hide the wiener.

Sturgeon’s law, 485 words in this story were crap.