Box Shaped Heart

Zero is a word.

She committed perjury for the money ao its OK.

Magery has a podcast?

Why won’t they let men do what they want to do with their bodies?

Balls and taint you hang so low.

Taint got no idea.

If Apple does it, the terrorists win.

Isn’t the secret password to all iPhones January 1, 1970?

And require an “I voted” sticker on all lapels.

That’s true leadership right there.

Like a unicorn sighting.

The millennials who apparently invented getting married later in life won’t buy diamonds unless they are locally sourced, wearing feppy-do hats carrying mason jars on there way to the pet shop picking up a hemp rope to walk the dog.

Was there anything in the report regarding the effect of gay marriage being legal?

So, Kanye West is your Hillary Clinton?

Well, yeah, if the criticism originates from a black man that has fought slavery, segregation, jim crow laws, etc.

And what about Obama?

Maybe dog minutes are like dog years to him.

You know, or the government trying to control everyone’s bodies.

Obamacare, Obama phones, cash for clunkers, auto industry bailouts that were bankrupted by the autoworkers unions. I could go on. And on. And on.

Mike Huckabee is a good father. Why do your points always devolve into these republican rants and name calling?