This deserves more stars!
This deserves more stars!
Perhaps it’s code for Bernie Bros that vindictively voted for Trump?
I’m beyond reading or being articulate at this point- but I always love your gifs. ❤
I think he just thought it was a giant boob.
Also there’s that whole pesky, being investigated by the secret service thing.
One year I bought sunscreen at the last minute at Whole Foods before vacation and the best I could find was some SPF 15 and 20.
As someone that has *and continues to* volunteer for Dems in a red state can I just reiterate for the umpteenth time that in many cases these polls don’t mean shit?
You are better than I- I’m at a place where I want to physically shake some sense into them almost daily.
It does if there are more of them in a district because they’ll keep re-electing nightmare candidates.
This is I think I’d the first time I’ve even spoken about Comey here (???) and I certainly don’t think what I said is “brilliant”- it’s what is literally already happening.
No, because it doesn’t matter what Comey says- Trump’s hateful base will still support him and Republicans in Congress want their tax cuts.
I’m honestly kinda hoping Trump doesn’t get impeached because at this rate- unlike Pence- he’s never going to get anything accomplished.
Don’t set yourself up for a letdown- many of Trump’s supporters will never believe it or care.
I’m pretty sure he’s bipolar.
Don’t hold your breath. Ossoff is close to losing thanks in no small part to all the semi-senile Republicans around here.
I’ll support her and volunteer but I’m not going to hold my breath.
As an asthmatic I’ve always loved Bloomberg for his [initially] much maligned smoking ban.
I think Trump & Friends have done and said so much insane shit that everyone else is going bonkers too.
I agree, but he did manage to get a dig in at France towards the end of his speech- he said something like, “This is about what’s best for Youngstown, Detroit and Pittsburgh— NOT *Paris, France*”.
What’s sad is my previous dog had a better grasp of tone and the English language than Trump does.