
Sadly hunting elephants is far easier than that as they don’t move too quickly and leave big footprints.

With a father like that, well actually . . . .

I’m confused as to why someone would buy hot dogs formed in the shape of a square.

I disagree. I think it’s in Democrats best interest to look like they’re being partisan and not put too much trust in Comey- *yet*.

No. While I appreciate this line of thinking, Trump is actually the old dude trying to fight off being sent to the senior home by declaring that he knows things, and does things bigly.

Feel better. ❤ As depressing as moving to Georgia can be at least I get my vitamin D. ;0)

Oh yeah- did you see the entire proceeding where they all walked out to accept victory?

Does *anyone* genuinely like him?

The anti-Ossoff ads crack me up- they say “liberal Democrat” in such a retro horror movie tone they might as well be saying, “Jon Ossoff kills puppies and eats them.”

While there’s a definite lack of teaching “critical thinking”—(and it doesn’t help when teachers don’t believe in it either)— I’ve always said that hard-core Christians in some places are just as bad if not worse than Scientologists.

Yeah I made the huge mistake of once bringing up that, uh, isn’t the Republican denial of pollution and climate change going to kill a ton of people, and, uh. . . let’s just say my brain is still bleeding.

Sadly, you’re doing way too much thinking.

The good people of Ohio don’t want those pesky planes making racket or worse- a certain type of people that tend to drive around near an airport. (THE BLACKS)  

Because they’re vile two-faced hypocrites that couldn’t actually give a damn about the teachings of Jesus.

I didn’t mean it as a diss- I thought she did an amazing job- I guess I just felt there was a similar vulnerability and underlying fighting spirit.

Have you watched the Handmaid’s Tale? Bledel’s character and mannerisms are so much like Rory’s it’s genuinely epically upsetting (more so than it already would be).

Kimchi was pretty trendy with a lot of overbearing “foodie” sorts a while back as was making your own— you just need to know more insufferable hipsters. ;0)

I feel like someone being depressed because they are raped or needing specific medical care due to their rape counting as a pre-existing condition is pretty close to essentially counting rape as a pre-existing condition.

Oh I think most of us just take it as a light-hearted laugh meant to contrast with our country’s grotesque orange hobgoblin that still can’t figure out how to properly wear a suit and tie.

I’ve never thought about this, but this article has left me wondering: