
I have a new theory: they’re not trying to exhaust liberals and make us surrender to defeatism- they’re trying to *actually kill us* via rage stroke.

I agree. My experience here though has often been that they don’t even get to the “well actually” part - you only get a few words in and it’s like-who gave you the permission to speak woman?

It’s weird because it’s not even a Democrat or Republican thing here - though I do find wealthy Republicans to be the worst- coming from a very liberal state it’s shocking to see liberals CONSTANTLY talking over women. I’m still getting used to it.

Isn’t it also “interesting” that he’s doing this from a Trump brand property?

And! Trump does it all from a Trump brand resort.

Trump probably did it to “prove” he has no ties to Putin.

It’s almost like Trump supporters are really stupid or something.

This is one the few benefits of moving from a blue state to a red state- many men get exhausted with you yelling over their interrupting with “EXCUSE ME I WAS TALKING” and give up because they think you have some quirky blue state affliction.

It is especially bad in the South. Like, shockingly bad- even in a city like Atlanta.

She probably didn’t want to spend the money (or stay sober enough long enough) to put the permanent one in lol. The temporary ones look normal they just come off.

While she’s clearly an f’d up whackadoo, when you’re getting new teeth- even the most expensive ones- you usually get these temporary “caps” that go on first.

I don’t even think she’s attractive- just thin and “well-groomed”.

Yes- I feel like we got small clues throughout the season that perhaps something bad had happened to her (as is the case with many women), but when they showed her starting to really watch Skarsgard in the last episode her reaction definitely made sense.

Did you think it was obvious that Zoe would be the killer though?

While I generally agree- I would argue that Zoe being the one to kill Skarsgard (sorry I am awful with names!) was definitely a pretty big twist.

Shep will always annoy me for “working” looking like that actor whose name escapes me right now- and also for being a privileged dick- but I do respect and secretly enjoy his ability to consistently come up with good lines.

Welcome to the South.

I am missing it because I was somehow hostaged into watching “Wrestlemania” with my newly caveman husband.

I used to use them. Are you blasting them with a hair dryer? That always worked for me.  

You have to factor in that the Trumps have always been outcasts in New York- so they might as well be new money.