
Reader XYCromersome watches all the major car shows out there now, and he noticed a serious lack of diversity on them. He has an ingenious idea to rectify that, by making a show that highlights car communities that don't get highlighted nearly enough:

I would totally watch this.

YES! Please keep things like this coming. I'm terrified of people realizing how great and cheap 996's are before I can actually afford one.

The fact you call it "drift racing" is an indicator that you don't understand it (and probably don't care, and that's alright.)

What is going on here? Is the driver experiencing an acid trip when they look in the mirror?

It actually is the exact same one used on all four corners, just backwards and without the clip on wheel cover.

Pontiac only made a handful Solstice Coupes in 2009 only, and not many were ordered in turbocharged GXP trim. If you find a good GXP Coupe especially with a manual (which is rarer still!) hold on to it, because you might have a future classic on your hands.

FRS sales could be helped if they didn't have fixed pricing, and had better test drives, i.e. allowing you to take it above 3500rpm or 25mph.

Same here. When I bought my only new car ever at 23, I knew I wanted an Evo VIII well before hand, and it just became an issue of which dealership would sell me the color I wanted for the least money. Gran Turismo and Jackie Chan had already done all the marketing needed.

I totally agree with this. student loans have effectively quashed any dreams of buying a new car for quite some time. After paying student loan payments, I have just enough for rent (less than my student loan payments, and I live in LA!), food, gas, and sometimes even repairs on my '85 Corolla (most of the time not

Naw, he's just an actor. He's in the 360 version too.

Please stop trying to make people like the 996.

Whoa! Organic curves, soft surfaces, overlapping gauges, and seats that aren't square?

But everyone is always disappointed to discover that none of these things actually happened. Instead, I explain, my job primarily involved sitting behind a desk, creating "IF" statements in Microsoft Excel, and eating sandwiches during lunch meetings. My entire racetrack experience came during the Cayenne launch, when

I used to have a Mustang GT, and my GF's Prius would destroy it until about 30mph.

Where were you 10 years ago when I bought a 2004 Mitsubishi Evo after getting my first job??

Because they're attached to the 240Z front valance, which eliminates the horrendous 280Z underbite the car gets without bumpers, and allows me to rock the BRE front chin spoiler.

Yep. I'm glad you like them. I was a wheel designer for several years. Now I'm a Hollywood costume, prop, and vehicle designer.

Whoa. Fuel Octane wheels. I designed those.