I'm sorry I have nothing better to offer you than my thanks for sharing this and an invisible Internet hug.
I'm sorry I have nothing better to offer you than my thanks for sharing this and an invisible Internet hug.
The day after Robin Williams died, I had a planned visit to my personal Mr. Keatings, who actually introduced most of us watch Dead Poets Society in class. It changed my entire life. (Mr. Williams was the dad I had always wished I had, because my father was such a shithead.) And I walked into my old classroom and saw…
I struggle with clinical depression. The only reason I'm alive is because of my daughter.
It's unfair and also frightening. That's why so many people thought of this passage from Watchmen when Williams passed:
This film and this scene had such a tremendous impact on me. I saw it in the theater first run when I was just on the brink of a calamitous first year of college, completely paralyzed by depression, moved home and felt like a failure and thought about dropping out of school entirely. After the movie I sobbed out in…
Yes, that was particularly hard to hear. You gave us SO MUCH, man. Why couldn't we give you something back to help you heal this pain? But that's not how it works. You can't make people struggling with those issues "happy." That's the frustrating, heartbreaking part.
Hawke hit the nail on the head when he articulated the sadness that other people couldn't make Williams happy - even though he made the people around him happy. This has been bothering me but I didn't know how to express it.
Paris digs were the BEST. I love how her overachieving spewed out so nastily-some really great mean girl burns. But Rory really grew into a character that annoyed the fuck out of me, and then Lorelei had to go be with unfunny, uncharismatic Chris (obviously his genes were the boring, annoying ones Rory had) and they…
No, but my brain does.
Does netflix have an Erase April option?
He is the worst on that show. Lower your expectations for him, raise them for everyone else.
Take it from me. Gilmore Girls is the perfect thing to watch when you are painting your living room, doing laundry, or whatever. It is a great all-around tv show. If you've seen it once, or twice, or three times, just keep it on as background noise so that you can pretend that your life is as quippy and whimsical as…
ugh, jess. such mixed feelings about jess.
I have a friend that doesn't understand this and even makes significant life choices based on the profiles of her acquaintances. Example: getting married to someone she's not that crazy about because everyone that is her age on facebook has happy perfect lives with families and nice homes. I've tried to explain…
You better have skinny legs and a skinny waist to go with that big ass though, or else GTFO, right?
I don't know a single person who subscribes. Even at my dr's office I never find it. I'm having a really hard time understanding how they can afford to pay their EIC the million dollar salary.
Honest question — why does anyone read or subscribe to Vogue, other than while waiting for a medical professional? It's this five-pound brick of once-happy trees that stinks up your house and is full of insipid corporate cheerleading and images that make you feel bad about yourself.
Jeez, the only way this article could be whiter is if they left the page blank.