Yuri Kropotkin

Interesting. Here in Australia, Bana's regarded as a success story (local boy makes good, has acting career overseas, etc); but, going by these comments, most Americans think of him as a failure (when they think of him at all).

Probably? Actually, the main distinction is, between reviewers who are good at what they do, and reviewers who aren't. And that's NOT a pointless dichotomy, I hope.

Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with the Godspell trashing either, but it would seem some reviewers can't get the job done without setting up these kinds of stupid rivalries. Over time, I've found that it tends to be the hallmark of the kind of reviewer I end up having not much regard for.

I agree, opinions are wonderful things to have, even when they're wrong

Although this is true, I was amused to discover the other day that one of the Queen's great-grandchildren goes by the somewhat trashy name of "Savannah". (Apologies to any Savannahs who might be reading this.)

Not intentionally, no.

Macau is the Gaslight Cafe in Greenwich Village, circa 1962.

All well and good, except that Mongolia is China's Mexico - China's Canada is actually Taiwan, or possibly Hong Kong. I can't believe I have to keep explaining this to you people.

Exactly. Maybe the question should be framed to say "what, other than your favorite foods, would you choose to eat…?" (or something along those lines).

Maybe I"m missing the point of Question 11, but finding out that "a meal the interviewee really enjoys eating" is what they'd choose for their last meal is generally fairly underwhelming.

The same place they put all those cigarettes that everybody should be smoking, but isn't.

And all this time, I thought Marah was a man… In my defence, it's not really a name anyone uses in this country. Also, I'm not very smart.

Great story. Ironic, too, that you guys used it like that, considering that the chant started life as a kind of ultra-macho negative feedback from the audience (i.e. "sing some more hard rock songs, not wussy love songs about girls!"). But it's a classic now, of course, and rightfully so.

Right. Now that I think about it, the book was a bestseller in Australia first, so most people weren't coming to the TV series without some knowledge of what it was all about. I suppose it might've been a bit of an odd title in other circumstances.

I see. The More You Know, etc.

Does "slap" have a different meaning in the US or something? Why is it a ridiculous title?

"… numerous high-voltage guest stars…"

Weird oversight. If that's not a natural subject of interest for the A.V. Club, I don't know what is.

I hope not.