Yuri Kropotkin

If we're going to hijack comments sections to talk about something not even tangentially relevant to the subject at hand, then today's most important news isn't about Wheel of Time, or even Spider-Man - it's this: Australia has been given a wild card to enter this year's Eurovision Song Contest!!!

Yeah, LeBlanc's surprisingly good on that - not sure why the show hasn't achieved much in the way of critical acclaim/popularity, I always enjoy it.

Ah, that explains it - don't think I've ever really seen the show, apart from at random when on my way elsewhere round the dial. Thanks.

I'm probably doing nothing for my geek cred by asking this, but who's that in the header image, on the beach?

Jeez, don't get me started on Lin - yet another reason to hate the TV show (speaking as a Chinese-Australian person).

Apparently the Frasier writers, when they were trying to come up with script ideas and jokes, often found it useful to think of Frasier and Niles as a gay couple (minus any references to actual homosexuality, of course).

Given the choice, though, I'd rather be forced to watch Friends than, say, The Notebook. It offers some sporadic amusement / entertainment.

Well, if you hadn't said it, I would've. I understand that MFMM has, as you say, a bit of a cult following in the US, I gather because it's a foreign, vaguely-British period piece, and that must be all that's needed for some people - on its own merits, the show is indisputably shit. But somehow this is not perceivable

Yes indeed. You'd like to think they wouldn't take their time posting this story, but you can never tell.

Hmm. I don't know much about comic books, but I get the feeling this could be kind of big news. But don't quote me on that, I might be wrong.

Ian McKellen's "Magento"? I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of villain of the offset-printing industry or something?

Okay, I give up. Which romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan does that come from?

Hey, it's Marcy Playground, the band I always get mixed up with Mary's Danish (whoever the hell they are)! I love whichever song it is either band sings, for all I know!

Well, I was kidding, of course; although I don't think it's out of the question that, say, Seven might air it in some kind of graveyard-shift, after-midnight timeslot, like where they presently put first-run episodes of Parks & Rec. THAT's the kind of cretinous, "why-did-we-even-buy-this-show-in-the-first-place?"

As an Asian-Australian, I fully intend to watch this show once it finally makes it onto local television sometime in 2018.

Yes, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

The pre-reboot Trek films, for better or worse, at least have some discernible relationship to the Star Trek universe. STID is the work of someone who doesn't really understand or care about the source material.

Yes indeed. Also, it's one of the new formats they're trialling for the election debates in April.

I don't understand it either, though mostly because I'm not 100% sure what's being referred to here… any examples?

So the studios can get behind reboots of a bunch of (to me) second-rate sci-fi TV shows I have no interest in seeing, but they can't figure out how to get some version of Star Trek back on the TV? What the fuck is up with that?