Yuri Kropotkin

You're right - I forgot, Peter Cushing isn't canon.

It's a brainwashing technique - this is how they recruit new members into the cult.

I'm a bit fuzzy on the history, but I believe he was one of the Doctors on that Doc Who program. Before Christopher Ecclestone, but after Peter Cushing. (Dr. Who fans, feel free to correct me on this.)

Yes, he was in a band with John Lennon and George Harrison, they called themselves the Quarrymen.

Yes. This is the only correct answer.

The intention is not to fool anyone, it's just that it's the best of a bunch of bad alternatives (i.e. comb-over, hairpiece, spray-on hair, etc). I guess you could shave your head completely, but that seems like a lot of work.

Ah, the gay best friend magical negro CGI robot, right.

Man About the House for me.

Yes. Their output was more loose in the early days.

Kick is okay, but it's a bit TOO solid… it's unashamedly commercial, and therefore not as fun or creative as their earlier stuff, to my mind.

But INXS actually IS a great band worthy of (a measure of) respect… up to about 1983, at least.

The funny thing is, I don't actually like the song either (more for the music than the lyrics). Even so, I still think she's too harsh.

Good point. But I still don't think it merits "hating", especially given that the Hater acknowledges that she knows how old the singer was.

Sorry, but this is kind of stupid (as is so often the case with Hatesong). Silverchair were all about 15 years old and still in high school when this song was released (they got a recording contract thanks to a national radio competition), so naturally the song is about as insightful as you would expect something

Fair enough. Well, in this story, Franco smuggles home a super-smart chimpanzee test subject and raises it like a member of the family; then, without the authority of his higher-ups, gives a dose of the experimental drug to his own father, before any tests on humans have been conducted; and finally, works with a

Putting him in this Inventory is a bit unfair, I think - no, you'll never believe he's any kind of science geek, but it's a good-enough performance, in a movie that isn't exactly a showcase for great acting.

We used to be fairly proud of the fact that our home town was also Rolf Harris's home town. But this connection tends to get mentioned a lot less nowadays, for some reason.

Mediocre Job, internet!

I would, but only poofters and Pommy bastards drink Fosters, mate.