Yuri Kropotkin

So foreigners are to blame, then? Bloody foreigners, coming over here, stealing our jobs, making us say silly bloody words…

I don't care either, but I AM sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

I kind of like the name, for some reason - it has a certain kind of uncompromising bluntness to it. Anyway, you could do much worse: our national team calls themselves the "Socceroos", which most Australians think is kind of stupid, but no-one's managed to come up with an acceptable alternative, so we seem to be stuck

Yeah, I remember reading that somewhere too. Apparently Dale Dye is to blame (for the anachronism).

Well, I’m certainly willing to go along with that version of events. Thanks!

Sure. That's just me translating an Australianism into an Americanism, because it's easier than explaining what a "biscuit" is (i.e. the kind of thing I used to do when I wrote comments, but then decided wasn't worth the effort).

"He keeps an adorable to-do list that includes Thai food and the Berlin Wall"

I don't even own a steak.

So this guy isn't a troll, he actually believes this stuff? Man, what a waste of time (his, mine and everyone else's).

I heard it was because the real Billy Corgan expressed an interest in registering as a commenter, and wasn't too pleased to find out he'd have to choose "I Actually Actually Am Billy Corgan" as his username.

Or Adam Scott, who played an almost-boyfriend of Julia's in the final season.

Sorry, I don't think he appears in this season of Doctor Who.

What I find truly disturbing about this movie is that Australia has been metric since 1973, and so the movie should more properly be named 40.5 Bloody Hectares. How is it possible the moviemakers are not aware of this fact?