Yuri Kropotkin

It’s from something the Doctor says, as she, Yaz and Ryan are about to hide in the panelled alcove (and in reference to Yaz wondering if the Doctor would’ve been the kind of kid who poked wasp’s nests just to see what happened): “Talking of wasps, did I ever tell you about me and Agatha Christie?”

Hmm... I don’t bother commenting much in these threads any more because they seem to me to be full of right-wing trolls, but I don’t know that we’re on the same page there, somehow.

Hard candy.

Animal Kingdom (the 2010 Australian movie, not the TNT spinoff) is the movie that probably best showcases his villainousness - it’s Mendelsohn’s breakout role, and he’s very convincing as a small-time (but extremely dangerous) criminal.

True, but “Let’s be honest, America: Dogs are mutualistic symbiotes, not man’s best friend” is somehow not quite as catchy a headline.

I don’t know what this spambot’s meant to be selling, but consider me not interested.

And such small portions!

I don’t know who said “for no reason”, but I don’t think it was me... but you’re right, I don’t like it. Shades is (in my opinion) a ridiculous character, and I just can’t believe in anything he says or does.

You were still grey up until that other guy commented, yes.

Yes, exactly. But on the plus side, Cottonmouth’s exit meant that the always-extremely-fucking-annoying-and-not-even-slightly-believable Shades got even more screen time! (And I’ve just noticed that Theo Rossi is in one of the publicity pictures above, so that means Shades is back for season 2. Fucking hell.)

That sweet Laurel Canyon sound was the first casualty of the Kinjapocalypse.

Is Pope Benedict one of them? It’d be kind of awkward if he wasn’t, seeing as he’s basically living in your poolhouse.

Spoken like a man whose favourite outfit was an open-necked, vinyl-trimmed black jumpsuit.

He’s actually not too bad in the role - acting is the thing he should be doing (after all, it’s where his career began, in the UK); his execrable chat show really does him no favours.

Ah, that makes a bit more sense.

Yeah, I don’t know what Hawke’s thinking about here - the soliloquy’s from Act 3, but “now I am alone” is from the end of Act 2, just after Hamlet’s briefed the players on his oh-so-clever Claudius-entrapping addition to the play.

Look, I know Australia has had its problems with racism, but that’s not fair - the Connick reproval incident was years ago, and since then, we’ve reduced our blackface controversies to a mere one or two annually.

Yeah, it was pretty big here too, says Wikipedia (no. 2 in the Australian charts), but somehow or other it passed me by completely, even though I was old enough to be listening to pop music (and watching Happy Days) at the time. Funny how these things happen.

Now that I’ve googled “Stumblin’ In”, which I’d somehow managed to never hear of before: yes, you could.

Yep, “cuppa” is a rock-solid piece of Aussie slang (in that we borrowed it from the British and now like to think we invented it).