Yuri Gaga

I figure he's going to start with the handful trying to defend Food Babe first. Maybe even laugh at some of the totally afactual crap some of the anti-GMO people are bringing to the discussion.

While I definitely wouldn't recommend eating uranium, it actually wouldn't be all that big a deal. I'm talking strictly about its ores, or depleted though. Enriched would be BAD news (not that you could even get it). But uranium ore is only very weakly radioactive, depleted even less than that. And while it is a

now i kinda want to hear tig notaro read the importance of being earnest.

Indeed. I think this is something that is more commonly known than the "used to be an insurance building" thing but it's still fascinating nonetheless, albeit in a very morbid and horrifying way.

Women, Nationwide is NOT on your side.

I feel terrible for those meat-eater people because there is nowhere else in NYC to get a meat-based meal.

Reminds me of the time I lost my wallet and the cop I reported it to arrested me for robbing myself.

Man, if the Scientologists were in charge of this joint, the Greys would be at the front of the line, right behind Xenu.

Holy crap. Why this is not the top comment is beyond me.



You should at least include the attribution (but I suppose everyone here knows it's XKCD and many even know by heart the post # http://xkcd.com/730/

Freezing cold with a bipolar outflow? I think I dated this star.

Now playing

If you hate this Christmas song, I'm quitting you, Pinkman.



10/10, would watch.

Well, this is awkward.