If the “you” in the headline refers to Chuck Todd or Chris Cilizza, then it’s accurate.
If the “you” in the headline refers to Chuck Todd or Chris Cilizza, then it’s accurate.
Geez what a frickin’ tool that Brian Stelter is. “As a journalist, I’m obliged to stand idly by while authoritarianism takes over, or maybe even help facilitate it. But certainly not try to stop it, even though it’s in my power to do so, because Sean Hannity might think that’s biased.”
Let’s go throw sushi and not pay.
In Albuquerque it rains on average ~15 days a year. Tonight is one of those days.
Al Gore was right -- a zebra can’t change its spots.
One of my favorite books as a child was City Terrorist, Country Terrorist.
Liberal Indollarance
So, even though I disabled my adblocker they still fired everybody? That’s not the deal I remember agreeing to : (
Ed Sheeran has a co-writer?
I doubt that I could listen to 882 years of Nick Drake.
What, nothing about fringed flags in courthouses?
♫ Don’t cry for me, Mar-a-Lago ♫
I would be happy with cage-free children at the moment. Baby steps.
Irreversible modality of the imbecile
“Petulant High School Administrators”
They are simply respecting the anthem by disrespecting two accomplished singers who are respecting the anthem. CHECKMATE!
“You are now free to pee about the cabin”
America’s Least Funny Home Videos
Little Suzie Gaga is in 5th grade and just finished “puberty class” as she calls it. Parents were given the choice to opt their kids out but those kids would have to take and pass the same test as the kids who got educated and learned that they can’t opt out of puberty