Yuri Gaga

Doctor: I'm calling it. Time of death 12:19

"Boy, they sure used a lot of styrofoam."

When i discovered that redhat would allow me to lower the clock's resolution so that it read "around lunchtime" or "early evening", i did that at once and found it to be strangely liberating.

Well, I'm certainly glad that you do.

I think a big part of the reason for the blaseness that you mention is the generally cynical (or absent) news coverage of space flight. As though putting humans and things into space ceased to be interesting decades ago, and it's only worth noticing when something blows up. This has the dual effect of biasing the

I've studied cloud electrification, and I can say that I can totally relate. Literally, at the sky.

: (

Non-unique solutions made me miss the bus this morning.

Kraft Space Ship Sweepstakes: It's the Cheesiest!

The seventh seal trumpet will sound like a sad trombone, owing to the cholesterol in the mouthpiece.

Oorthouse? Poort-aPotty?

"The universe is permeated with the odor of turpentine."

I can't wait to read his review of Toni Braxton's "Libra".

Wasps, medical bankruptcy, perpetual drought, Republicans. You know, things that are actually frightening.

That'll do! (for now)

"You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

I love these Spacewalk Chronicles!

The tariff may be unnecessary. It won't take long for Reagan to discover that there is no viable export economy for Duck Dynasty collector's plates.

"Family group"? Certainly you mean...MURDER

Thanks, heroic robots (and Mika)!