Yuri Falconfire

Its actually not as laborous or expensive as you would think. It cost me maybe 30 bucks for everything including a new safety razor and I have enough blades to last years. When you do run out of soap its like 3-10 dollars based on how cheap or expensive you are willing to go on it.

It is significantly cheaper than canned stuff, and the brush helps raise the whiskers off the face. Also it typically is higher quality than the canned stuff and you can get much more pleasing scents. Plus it tends to let the blade glide much better from my experience.

Maybe you should educate yourself.

Irregardless is a word commonly used in place of regardless or irrespective, which has caused controversy since the early twentieth century, though the word appeared in print as early as 1795. [1] Most dictionaries list it as "nonstandard" or "incorrect".

Actually over 89% of the population wants background checks mandatory on all gun purchases, which was all "that weapons thing" was and it shows now with a number of Dems and Republicans who voted against it now dropping like a stone in their home states polls.

And get shot by the cops accidentally. All you people are fucking bonkers. It was a firefight, this isnt the movies, stop pretending you are all heros.

Yep this was my reason for dumping Wunderlist, we use Google Apps for Business at work and while Tasks is nice it sucks at the reoccurring and didnt have a dedicated iPhone app I liked. Astrid + the Chrome widget they rolled out worked wonderfully with my gapps environment but now nada.

The first thing you need to do is just relax and do it. I am not a daily user of mass transit as I live in the NY suburbs and only come into the city for work occasionally or meeting friends or dates. At first it felt daunting and overwhelming, but once you get over that aspect and just do it, you realize its really

you bet your beaver I just saved that gif.

They had issues with it to begin with. It was very foggy and overcast that night, so even when they got air support in the area it didnt do much good and they ended up requesting to land because they were too much a liability.

and a dead civilian when the cops shoot him because someone is shooting from a house out of nowhere.

unfortunately now the infowarriors are taking to Reddit and using their incredibly awful "investigative" skills as their evidence that it was a false flag attack.

I made a mint of their version of Chocobo Hot or Cold though.

Funny enough, my 1999 Ford Taurus wagon ALSO has rear facing seats, with over the shoulder seatbelts as well!

Yes even if you cross against the light. I really am sorry you have this mistaken belief that someone breaking the law makes them fair game to be hit, but it doesnt, and you WILL go to jail for it pretty much anywhere in the US.

But that's just like Dragon Quest of that era that its trying to emulate.

I LOVED Dragon Fantasy, Reminded me so much of a combination of Dragon Quest/Warrior, Final Fantasy, and the funny english translations that came along with it.

Im confused here, doesn't Florida have laws against hitting pedestrians? In NJ at least, people have the right of way regardless of if they cross against the light or not as long as the pedestrian doesn't just run out in front of the car, which its obvious this guy didn't do as he was mid-street when the cop hit him.

Because most of the earth has been teraformed away from what it looked like before through the arcs that crashed down.

I dont believe this "rocky" marriage shit one bit honestly. They have always been doing their own thing for decades while still remaining together, and it was only 8 months ago that Ozzy was with Sharon in NJ for AGT and it was obvious (as well as comments she made due the show) she was still very much in love with