Your right, if people had more spines they would have destroyed that douchebags car.
Your right, if people had more spines they would have destroyed that douchebags car.
The owner deserved his car towed and all the damage it entails. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH HANDCAP SPACES PERIOD. You may think its "bullshit" but I can tell you it isnt so funny to park there when your friend has to deal with trying to get out of his van ramp with no room because some douche like you parked in the space…
Nah we know very well where it comes from ourselves and have no weird issues about following nature as opposed to you people who think your smarter than thousands of years of evolution.
Based on what people found about her "film" history even before the lawsuit, she wasnt very good and basically was background scenery in the films she was in.
Seriously, am I the only one in the world who doesnt get the appeal of taking drugs while having sex? Sure I have smoked a joint or two while playing around, but I could not see using anything harder than that, especially with the knowledge that things like blow make it harder for you to get up.
You have to remember Northern and Southern NJ is heavily Republican. Northern NJ basically is the home base of most of the people who fucked over the country in the 2007/2008 economic disaster. Southern NJ on the other hand is like being south of the Mason Dixon line, very racist and very white trash once you get away…
Yep agreed with this one, not only did Christie completely fuck NJ over on this (and I say this as a commuter into NYC this was ABSOLUTELY needed), but the government made NJ pay back the money that Christie claimed he was going to use to fix other transportation project in NJ, plus fine NJ. So not only did we loose a…
Actually she's been open about that and that she wasn't a beard and they actually acted like a couple, but that her mom suspected something. It was only a bit later that she actually asked him about it (though before he became open) and he admitted he was. She was actually a bit sad that he didn't admit it to her when…
For a second I thought this was about the band...
Thats pretty much exactly what it is and he had pretty much said as much. He will not act or write a movie without being high. His worse films he's claimed are the ones they made him be sober for.
apparently it almost wasnt. Over 50 stars where completely on board to play coked out crazy pants versions of themselves, the studio's on the otherhand wanted NOTHING to do with it. They basically got around the studios by claiming they could cut around the names if they had to then completely saying fuck you and…
Holy shit I was just at that station 3 days ago arguing with my friends over taking the N vs the L.
It wasn't even the first interracial kiss on US TV but it absolutely was the one that had more effect on the US than anything that preceded it.
Hardly, its pretty obvious from the brake lights it was completely intentional, he lifted off the brake just before impact, probably intending the hit to be light, forgetting he is driving something that is a fuckton heavier and has forward momentum even with the braketap he did. The death absolutely was a accident,…
The video clearly shows that the cop is slamming on his breaks as he impacts the motorcycle.
yep regardless of how you feel about the dirt bikers that was straight up manslaughter. I am sure the cop never intended to kill the guy, but he absolutely set into motion the events that did with intent by backing off his breaks and not swerving to avoid him.
"Im a leaf on the wind watch me BLAAAARGHHHHHHHH" Fuck you Joss, FUCK YOU!
Agreed I dont take it as being insensitive either, as its pretty well known Spade misses the shit out of Farley and would give to have him still around. Likewise he actually defended it when someone asked him about it in saying the commercials where cool, and that anyone would want to include Tommy Boy in the mix…
yes and no, Nintendo is still the first game system that showed non-animated boobies when BMX-XXX came out. Microsoft and Sony both made them censor the videos in the game when it came out on the PS2 and xBox but Nintendo had no issues with it on the Gamecube.
See I am the otherway around. I loved and finished Madness Returns, but never got a chance to finish Alice when it first came out (was working at a newspaper so shitty hours) I was happy they re-released it with Madness Returns since I had lost my copy but upon playing it again realized it just doesnt hold up, the…