Im in the same boat, I used Quicksilver for a while but moved to Alfred after development was stopped. Now using Alfred I am wary to switch to Quicksilver
Im in the same boat, I used Quicksilver for a while but moved to Alfred after development was stopped. Now using Alfred I am wary to switch to Quicksilver
Yeah the tattoo policy is very specifically toward Yakuza who are heavily tattoo'd and a cultural "stain" in Japan. Its very simular to policies many US schools have toward wearing "colors" aka gang colors or emblems associated to them that designate what you are affiliated with. Yakuza are VERY ritualistic and carry…
You got to remember the times though. At that point this was the thought that ALL planes where moving toward this, and thus such ideas of having to walk the runway for takeoff wouldn't be so far fetched as it would be a requirement of most planes. It was expensive, but would get less so when other manufactures started…
How many other passenger aircraft require runway inspection for FOD before takeoff?
should have broken her ankles as a punishment
Just remember you did this before you take any nudie pics...
rape AND kill her, and his dad and tons of other people.
Read the definition of transphobia. The sketch wasnt, stupid yes, but was neither transphobic nor homophobic.
it wasnt people on here are just overly sensitive and full of themselves.
Yeah um the only person with issues is you if you thought that was transphobic... Dumb, yes, but not even remotely transphobic.
It would be one thing if it was one of the rare toploaders, but the old tray loaders are a dime a dozen and most are starting to fail.
Can we please ban this kind of stuff from being allowed to air? This is fear mongering through and through and not even remotely accurate.
honestly if this ever happened to my family, the person who did it and his entire family would WISH there was a death penalty once I was through.
Yes I do actually, and I can guarantee you in 10 years time this "fad" collection will be dead too. As is all other fads like this. She needs to get off her high horse because she obviously has issues from her time profiting on the backs of those very same 2 dollar slave laborers she is now championing.
"Are they usually manufactured in countries with no workers rights by children making $2 a month?" Yep as is 99% of the stuff you buy in the US.
This is no different than comic collecting, card collecting, action figures, etc. Get off your high horse.
I am always leery of stuff like that after I remember ants infesting our coffee vending machine in college.
I actually saw one of those Fishing Bait vending machines in NJ on my way to PA
No it wont cook off, but what people usually forget is you are talking about a cup of wine diluted across a dish, so you may only get about 1/4th to 1/8th of a cup. You really would need to talk to your doctor though.
Um because it carries nearly the same cargo space as most of the smaller SUVs but handles and has nearly the fuel economy of a car?