Yuri Falconfire

Which is unfortunately why states have to continuously make laws or offer programs forcing or encouraging them to keep the places maintained.

i thought this was going to be about growing that sweet sweet cheeba

yeah no thats the white washed version.... Sorry dude its ALLLL about slaves, they may talk up the states rights bullshit all those southern rednecks want, but the ONLY thing they were pissed about was having to actually pay their blacks to work now.

hahaha you are such a troll the top two photos aren't even the same damn person.

I bet a million dollars you were never a soldier and are not disabled. You are a whiny POS teenager with daddies laptop.

Sorry dude, but unlike nigger, polack, spic or various other terms meant to be derogatory toward a certain group, hispanic is not. You having Mexican decent means you most definitely are hispanic, and regardless of your thoughts on it, its a scientific distinction, not a derogatory reference.

YES IT WAS! I think the commercials where for Manga actually http://www.manga.com/ I remember the burning Manga symbol. And I remember how all the Blockbuster anime had parental advisory stickers too, but I think it was not just because it was anime (after all the Pokemon anime didnt have it) but more because the

It isnt the ass made up some blame that NY Jews created the term, when you know they didnt and the terms stems from the latin Hispanicus and started coming into use in the 1600's.

No you are wrong, but you did prove how racist you are so good job!

And thank you for yet proving the point of NOT GETTING the joke. Seriously I think people have become so PC and full of themselves that they simply just dont get the joke.

except its pretty evident its the complete oposite when you look at both their works. Louie CK makes some awful racists and sexist jokes, while McFarlane's are crude but not overtly hateful.

From images I saw it hit multiple people including the two in critical condition (the kid and the adult with head trauma)

He's fine, he managed to duck out before his rig disintegrated after the engine hit. 

He couldn't be. If that reporter wanted to press the issue and got thrown in jail, the city NASCAR and the police would be in for a massive lawsuit. Being that its ESPN though and they are all chicken shit reporters for a service that loves to play nice with sporting events he wouldn't have the balls a real reporter

It's funny cause I cant honestly tell if its a station wagon or not, and thats what turns me off to it, cause I DONT want a "Crossover" or a SUV... I WANT A FUCKING STATION WAGON.

yeah um, this was never meant to be a "enthusiest" car. This is basically the replacement for the Impala.

Um the 1995-1996 transition WAS a facelift from the more traditional styling to the ovals everywhere one. Look at the damn links.