
Nothing much to see here. That Samsung is amazing though, cos you can a memory card in!! Omg thats amazing! Are you being paid by google or what?

That camera though.. Taking a picture of the streets of NY all the way from Barcelona.. Amazing..

Recorded on a potato by a Mexican Jumping bean. ☺

What is the point of your writing, or three paragraphs rather? See something on Microsoft.com, write three paragraphs about your opinion, job done. Not hating on you man, or saying i could do better, cos i can't, i guess i just expect more from gizmodo.

Anothe sub-glacial lake like lake vostok perhaps?

That last number gave me goosebumps.

Wonder why they do that here.

Why even bother posting it if You’re gonna be shitting on Windows Phone?

YES! Tell me about it man. Honestly the one thing i hate about Gizmodo.. The Wp bashing. You don't have to force it onto people. Just live and let live man.