
I agree. Honestly i view regional sports fans the same way i see my fanatically religious aunt.

I think you meant to write Baseball. 9 innings is 5 too damn many.

The just screams of religious fanaticism to me. Ill like whoever is most interesting at the moment.

Gosh i do love owls too.

God yes, i dont know how anyone manages to watch a full game of baseball.

So sports is like religion.

What if you polled Korea? Or China? Or even Japan. A competitive sport is whatever the fuck people want it to be and if millions of people like to watch esports then how is that any different then the millions that watch regular sports. I personally couldnt possibly give less of a shit what group of people is better

I dont understand why someone that likes to and feels like the need to smoke weed all the time is seen as better than an alcoholic.

Thats true, I lost mine in a similar way. Ive always like Jalopnik more,

I assumed he meant on twitter.

Naw it was like this before with Gawker, why do you think it died in the first place. Hell i remember Jesus Diaz and his constant abuse of the commenters.

Apparently your editor thought the same as many of us.

It was the whole original article in fact, funny that they changed it.

Yea, its a big corporation. They dont give a shit about race, they care about money. Those glass cases also cost extra money to buy and implement. What they did was crunch the numbers. Its like all those stores that lock away the spray paint because punks were stealing them.

This is probably what happened. Big stores dont spend the money on this type of security before actually doing some research.

Waaait a second... this isnt Jalopnik!

You make it sound like im sucking his dick when i simply disagree with your assessment that hes a net negative. Especially when i see electric cars on the road and reusable rockets landing themselves, when i hear regular people talking about putting solar panel roof tiles on their houses and honestly considering

You are delusional. Reusable rockets are not toys, but something necessary to make space more viable. Electric cars are not toys, its a technology that had been largely ignored until he made it popular, and one that is also necessary if we want to curb the worlds need of fossil fuels. Musk made his billions with