
Ew Ford.

Or a stronger NA engine that puts out 250 hp.

Thanks! I honestly cannot take any car made by something that sounds like kazoo seriously.

It bugs me that there arent more green choices. I want a green car dammit. This article made me think we were getting fun collors damn you.

Is there some Japanese meaning to Gazoo? Because it just sounds like a clown company to me.

I hope he gets life. His actions cost a life.

A police officer should never be trained to shoot first. How did he even know that the kid that answered the door was the perp? What if the kid was a hostage the bad guy sent to open the door in case this exact thing happened?

A recasting would require a reshoot. Unless you think they were just going to digital him in everywhere.

Im sorry, but its a job not a charity. In a job where your bosses will rake in millions based on your performance, why wouldnt you leverage that into more money for more work? Would you not want to get paid for working overtime at your regular job? Or maybe you would rather turn the money down for the good of the

They dont even have to be other countries. Look at Puerto Rico, and the US imposing a 20% tariff of anything made there. At a time when the government is bankrupt and the island is reeling from the destruction of the strongest hurricane on record.

Smart move, why shouldnt he get paid extra for extra work. Maybe Williams should have done the same.

Some people like nice things. Or they can afford both. Or they arent alcoholics and would rather spend it on a suitcase instead of pissing it away.

But you could spend the money you earned on whatever you want.

This looks super cool.

O damn, portable dark souls is mighty tempting

Dunkin Donuts should be next! That place is full of brown people with funny accents!

Im sorry but that was the gayest slap ever.

“holy of holies”? What the fuck?

Oh fuck you. What makes the incredible assholery that the Jackass crew did any better than this guy? Because it was “art”? Its wasnt art. It was pure excrement that appealed to the same type of idiot that watches Logan.

Oh please, you only say that because youre of the generation where he was coold. Him and his whole crew were immense assholes and the only reason they never did anything like this is because they didnt know about it.