
it would be even worse for us without unions, hollywood needs more compassionate Producers and ADs who understand that people shouldn’t work longer than 12 hours a day. I work on a show that treats the crew well and doesn’t have us working too crazy hours, but it is a rarity.

Part of me thinks, this should not be news - people die in the course of their work frequently, even if their work does not carry explicit risk of danger. Mistakes and accidents and negligence happen routinely. My dad and his brother were a rail workers. His brother (my uncle) died in some kind of switching accident.

I have political beliefs that run counter to my employer. I could get on a podcast and espouse those beliefs in public and and my employer could conclude that I am using my position to advance an agenda and fire me. I make a conscious choice to express my opinion via my vote, my donations, and my private

Well we’re seeing it play out on the other side with transgender people in the military. In this case, people were told it was okay to be openly transgender and serve, and that the military was going to figure out how to work with them. We all think, great! Obviously these people were trans before they were given

Seriously. Do I need to post this every day?

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

All my online dating profiles say “I hate coffee dates” in them (well, nicer than that). Of course, this may partly explain why I’ve only had one date in about a year, and I only trawl for female partners on dating apps.

If I were still dating, which thank God I am not (married!), I’d start calling them appointments I think.

It saddens me that women honestly feel like they can’t go out for a drink or dinner with a guy, whatever they choose to call that outing, without having to worry that they’ll be expected to have sex. That truly sucks.

I disagree. Don’t you have friends that you go out with sometimes? Even one-on-one? I’ve gone to a fancy dinner and a show with just a friend, even on their dime (they really wanted to go and I didn’t really have the funds). I admit it’d be a bit much for the first time hanging out, but people are all different.

Just as a general reminder to all: some people don’t drink.

How is coffee fuzzier? My first dates are almost always coffee dates. It’s a great low pressure setting and the gal doesn’t worry about me trying to drunk her up. It sets up a low pressure environment where either person can peace out relatively seamlessly, but of course that never happens because I am too good a

“As for coffee though, I say yes, and I guess I can kinda see how one might differ.”

Well, I have never used or even heard the term “pre-date.” Who uses that term? Mainly women? Mainly men? Fairly even?

So what is the difference between a date and a pre-date? Or do people not use the term “pre-date” anymore? I think coffee, or even a drink after work, for 15-30 minutes is a pre-date date. 1-2 hours is a date date.

While you’re probably right, my biggest gripe with the show currently is that the passage of time seems incredibly uneven. In one storyline, you’ll get the passage of hours, while in others you get days/weeks/months. I’ve noticed it a lot this season.

My fun theory is that Cersei will kill Tyrion which will finally lead to Jaime realizing he has to take her out. Then Jaime gets to kill a mad king AND a mad queen and he can go off and marry/have roadtrips with Brienne because that was my favorite “buddy” story line..

“Meanwhile, Sansa is just starting to figure out that not only has Bran come back a total fuckin’ weirdo, her sister Arya is a homicidal maniac.”

Randyll Tarly said the gold made it back to King’s Landing but I think Cersei is going to use it for something else. She mentioned contacting the fighters from Essos so maybe she uses the gold to pay them instead of repaying the Iron Bank? Also, how much of the Lannister and Tyrell forces were left behind? I wonder