
Yeah, it’s a shame, I would have lived this shit up! My raver days were made for stuff like this!

I read “facts” as “farts” 😜

I understand this reference 😂

She’s just asking if anyone has seen Kyle

My scheduled meds cant be filled in other states when traveling, I’ve tried. We had to have one script written with the drs orders to fill 3 days early before a trip once. I just bring all my pill bottles in my carry on (leaving what I don’t need for the trip at home, JIC.. cause I need my adhd meds to function!) - in

My local news station took her name out, with a note stating now that she’s been found and is the victim of a sex crime they are adhering to not using her name any longer.

I love her, I think I’d rather watch her !! Thank you for the link and introducing her 😀

Yeah, my husband almost didn’t get his because his father was born in Hungary after his grandparents fled Greece after WWII.. communist gov and all....

Have all the stars! you speak the truth

Oh Liberty city! I used to drive through there everyday on my way home from my internship. I miss Miami

Hell, I may even vote for a more responsible republican if worse comes to worse!

Oh pretty please I hope he takes his toys and goes home. And I 💜Your comment 💜

This sounds like my husband’s MS. Diagnosed before age 30, in his prime physically (and physically active!) and while he is months where near looking as fit as before.. to the untrained eye he looks “able” and “healthy” and he is very much not. Hugs to you

Ugh, this! I prefer fitted tanks (of the non athletic variety, as their straps tend to give me neck pain) and I can’t go anywhere these days and find longer length fitted tanks that aren’t basic black camps or the ones from old navy.. cause now all the pretty ones are sheer flows things for “layering” (I guess?!)

I go into partial anaphylaxis jut walking by the Lush stores and their smells. Would love to try, but not when it results in my eyes swelling shut   

I go into partial anaphylaxis jut walking by the Lush stores and their smells. Would love to try, but not when it

Man, this hits home since we just got back from our vet an hour ago after having to put down our 16yo dog 😢

I use her children’s book in therapy with the kids I work with all the time 😢

That was my thought.. if asked “sorry, was about to announce my retirement at the end if the week.. so no, I won’t take that job”

I thought the exact same thing! And I bet savvy spies are already 3 steps ahead on this game

Same, I haven’t watched TV or anything.. kiddo and husband asleep? Reading news.. I can’t disengage and don’t want to disengage (as I want to stay informed)... but.. it’s a damn struggle.