
This. The freeway in my city has the carpool lane on the left side of the left/passing lane -and you can only exit it in certain (really inconvenient) areas. The dolts here will get in that lane and then exceed the speed limit (no, I’m not doing passive aggressive shit or trying to police them) and ride my ass.. But I

It’s a newer thing within the last couple of years - but Utah has been doing strange stuff with controlled scripts. The one time the new pharmacist tried to tell me my husband should’t be on a couple of his meds I was like “are you his neurologist?” (The neurologist, who is one of the top MS Dr’s/researchers in the

Yup, he is. But Every. Damn. Time. They end up saying something like “back pain” - which I know his neurologist wouldn't say (as he gets them every 6mo due to being on tysabri) - on the form. The claims are always paid, but I swear it's some sort of automatic thing the insurance company sends out for MRIs

This. My moms PCP (no pain dr) kept recommending massage (and other interventions not covered by insurance) which she tries to do - and has the luxury of being able to afford going to the massage schools- but with her issues, it’s not a fix.

Thank you for writing this. My mom also needs a fentanyl patch to survive (lower back fusion as a teen in the 70's, 30+yrs of nursing and a neck fusion last October) - even with the patch there are days her pain is out of control. I’ve taken her to her pain clinic dr (not a shady trailer operation - a legit clinic

Yup, both of mine (one for my BSW in my home state and one for my MSW out of state) were unpaid. However my current agency does now pay for 2nd year practicums (maybe for 1st? I only supervise 2nd year students). Other agencies in town pay a pretty damn (like, starting wage for CSW graduates) fine stipends. I'm sure

Yes! I want to listen to her all day!

Also specifically noted no text fixes.

Exactly! All of my bags are basically small enough to carry on - but I still CANNOT bring myself to do it because it makes me feel like an asshole. Even if I check it at the gate to avoid the fee - can't do it. I tried to talk myself into it when I recently went on vacation... Instead sucked it up and paid.

Yeah, I'm hating the app for this year's olympics. In 2012 I could filter and see all the team members routines - this year? They want me to skip through the 2hr replays.

I would like them to stop using one of the songs that was used in Schindlers List - cause that's what comes into my head, every. Damn. Time.

This. I also make the choice not to say the pledge or ever put my hand over my heart. Because I've found it incredibly creepy since I was a kid (yay getting sent to the office in Jr High along with the JW girl for not saying it!)

I was walking 2miles on average, sometimes more (from 7:30-10pm) - in my neighborhood each evening. Since the change I 1. Apparently walk too fast - as I can continue my route and never have even a quarter of the mons on my screen pop up. And if I see an outline of one I don’t have? I can try to wander all the streets

I apparently walk too fast because I've noticed this change - but as a passenger in a car? More popped up.

Definitely did not hire the one that kept repeating how “thin” he could make me look in photos. That was just skeevy

Mine worked beautifully and I didn't experience freezing that some did.. I hope it comes back

I’ve never requested a refund before - but did now and it was approved. I noted that the developers issues with th servers meant that time limited items I had purchased were wasted due to the inability to connect during the time they were being used.

So pissed by this

Mine was always blank too - if the map feature worked that would be kind of neat!

With the new update I am unable to even select one to focus on..