yup it's me

I’d love to know what’s so salacious that isn’t a) already public and b) embraced by Trump himself.

Well, I study Engineering so we were three women in a classroom full of men, like 30, some of them used to masturbate in the classroom, some of them used to measure their penises and some of them used to pay attention to what the teachers were saying, this was a Catholic university.

She raped and murdered her own child, but she is out on bail. That is fucked up.

It ain’t fantasy if it done been did.

I wish this would stop being called a fucking fantasy. These fuckers raped and murdered a child, full stop.

Occasionally I find it icky too. I’m tired of it and looking for menopause. But it is reality and nothing to be ashamed of.

I was once kicked out of a World of Warcraft guild for saying the word ‘vagina’. I wasn’t actually having a conversation about said vagina, I just happened to be around when someone said something a bit crude, and was admonished for saying the word specifically, not for the context in which the word was used.

I was

A former boss of mine was a real gung-ho workaholic, and always gave his staff a hard time about taking any personal time off (to which we were all entitled, and couldn’t trade in for money). I wanted a day once and when he was all scoffing about how I didn’t need the day, I played the GYN card. (not true, but every

Hey, now. I find them icky too, and I have them monthly. Fucking blood gets everywhere.

JFC. How heartbreaking.

I’m a man and I used to live near a shelter for abused women (and their children.) I never knew the exact address but I knew it must be near me somewhere so I called their hotline and told them I’d like to help them out, but rather than just sending a check, I’d like to actually buy them things they need, and save

I had two grown men FLIP OUT in my car once because there was a string hanging out of the glove compartment that they imagined was attached to a tampon.

Yeah, fuck this shit. As a young girl growing up in India, even with a progressive family, I received NO info about periods. I got my cues from equally misinformed peers and you can imagine what theories a bunch of scared 12 year olds came up with. When I got my period, despite their best intentions, my parents told

“I kept thinking, How could I be a more perfect victim,” Taylor said throughout my time with her. “I was sober, dressed in sweatpants, sleeping in my locked apartment on the third floor with my daughter, not on Tinder or OkCupid, not dating or married … and still wasn’t believed.”

Grew up in the NYC suburbs, have lived here now for 10 years, have had NYPD in the family... AGREED. I have a friend who was “abomination raped” and they treated her like total shit the whole time then basically did nothing. I’m sure I’ll get shit for this, but a LARGE number of those who “serve and protect” are the

“that person has, like, no moral standards”

So a rapist who drags a stranger off the street—which is a very small percent of them—has, like, no moral standards, but a man who rapes his ex-girlfriend, a co-worker, a woman who accepted a date with him, a woman who thought he was her friend, his own wife, his teenaged cousin, an unconscious woman at a party; those

Went to college in NYC. Live in there now. Not one of my friends who has been sexually harassed or assaulted has reported it to the NYPD successfully. Most didn’t try, one couldn’t get through the reporting process because of the emotional trauma inflicted by the police who were questioning her. They wanted to make

“They’re not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets,” Rose later said at a Community Council meeting Wednesday night.