This is the truth. The reason why the Autobahn is in far better physical condition than our interstate system is because there is constant construction.
This is the truth. The reason why the Autobahn is in far better physical condition than our interstate system is because there is constant construction.
AFA Auto Clips Assortment [450 Pcs] - Bonus Fastener Remover
It’s like you were waiting to be challenged. Bravo.
Wirtschaftswoche cited “EU sources”...
Holy Hell, every angle of the exterior is... busy.
SPA XC90 came out in early ‘15 as a ‘16, so I’m guessing tail light design was finalized sometime in 2014.
Why different times every week? That’s very odd.
Why mess w/ success?
“I’ve heard of dreadlocks, but shitlocks?!?!”
No problem, just givin’ ya the business.
A C7 from 2006? Verrry interesting...
You’re right, black plastic would look much better.
The fusebox cover is all in Japanese...
Wait, does the second row not fold flat?
Buy from Tire Rack, et al, from their eBay store. Ebay often runs 15%-20% off up to $100 on everything. I’ve done it for tires and it’s worked like a charm.
Very cool! I was looking at those too; great value, esp if they throw in the CPO warranty. Good luck!