Are you kidding? MS likely has more servers than they do XBL members.
Are you kidding? MS likely has more servers than they do XBL members.
But its an open world game, if you were to say blow up the entire city at the beginning of the game how would you possibly continue any sort of story?
I have no problems with it, I chose Xbox because I believed that console would be getting the Games that I cared about.
Wait so was it a mis-statement from an MS rep to begin with or was it a problem with the wording of the original article?
You’re a monster and I would put tacks by your desk.
If you can’t see the differences between Sandy Hook & Charleston you are both blind & ignorant of the world around you.
Or I can buy this plus the other games included on the Rare Replay for $30.... And I won’t have to use the WORST controller ever made (outside the Ouya).
Why do you think the NFL likely wins this?
Just a note that Jason changed the story... Originally it stated that all Year One weapons would be obsolete and he mourned the G-horn. Now it says all Legendary Year One Weapons.....
It makes everything leading up to TKK absolutely pointless.
This fucking sucks. Everything I have seen up till this point for The Taken King has sounded awesome. But now you’re telling me that NONE of my current weapons will be useful? ALL of the raid weapons just down the tube. All the Exotics, even the bounty ones like Thorn or Pocket inifinity are just pointless? What a way…
Wait so is it only Legendary year one weapons? Or Exotic as well that will be obsolete?
Don’t forget about “Sea of Thieves” that shit is gonna be awesome.
It is a BlackTwitter/Vine meme good sir.
Halo Wars despite its flaws was a pretty awesome console RTS.
God My dreams are coming true.
Did you check out “Between Villains” still killin the game
Andre 3000 on crystal meth sounds like some music I can get behind. I would argue that Danny Brown is not that. I mean clearly Danny has an audience and you are not it, but to argue that it isn’t talent seems rather narrow don’t you think? I mean how is it not talent?
This is on The Concourse and was re-posted to DeadSpin.
If you buy the remaster you get all the old games that will work on XboxOne this fall. If you already own the games you can play them on the XboxOne this fall when backwards compatibility rolls out.