
No. If you are currently in the preview program you can play them right now. Otherwise you have to wait until the fall when it rolls out for everyone. IF you don’t own them already, hey you can buy the remaster and get the old games FO FREE.

Yes, right now you can play them on XboxOne if you are in the preview program.

Just to clarify some things:

Why didn’t you just buy the fight and watch it live?

Those are some bad bitches, this would be a welcome change to the usual FF formula (FFF?)

No worries, our Mt. Rushmore is still better than the States’.

All I want is for the Jays to finally making the playoffs. But deep down being born in TO makes me immediately believe they will fuck it up.

God that GiantBomb GOTY was crazy you put your whole heart into defending ZombiU

Seems about right.

Limbo was already on XBO so hey whatevs.

He didn’t say any names which makes this pretty soft tender beef.

If he goes down for this his legacy will be fucked, plus in his mind he did nothing wrong that they can pin him with.

My StepDad is from Chicago, his father still remembers Sid Luckman. AND brings him up constantly.

The only time it is okay to tea-bag/dance on an opponent is after you beat them AND they had danced/tea bagged on you during a prior round.

I’ve never been a pornstar and yet I know what makes porn good.

Cry more.

The big issue here is that this beta is connected to the game’s pre-order campaign, making it more than just a Beta to many.

“That Champ guy sure sounds like a swell dude, I wish we could have played together”

- Wes Welker

I bet if you had to sit next to that sweaty guy all day as he bakes in his own sweat you might change your mind.