
Nah Jones hit twitter with some truth.

I am a Proud Canadian.


The way it works this time around is different. Instead of emulating each game all MS is doing is emulating the 360OS, so it tricks the game into thinking it is running on a 360, however because the XboxOne is just running a program designed to emulate the old OS it still has all the One features. Its pretty

Vince is coming out to Denver on Tuesday. That show is gonna be straight fire.

But will it feature Lang & Johnny V?

Come back to Daddy.

God I love you.

Spirited Away that low.......nah, you fucked up.

Riff Raff is from H-Town I thought?

“SOC in this bitch! You know we got:

Holy shit. Everything you just described is the ANTI-THESIS of what someone should be doing to help those in need. Depression is literally a chemical imbalance, what you just wrote is the equivalent of yelling at water to turn into wine, “JUST DO IT, hurry up and turn into wine, what are you happy being water?”.


Please explain how driving a car is more of a sport than the video game tournaments broadcast on ESPN? (For the record I side that both are sports).


Hey man you got your fix, I’m still chasing the purple dragon.

Go ahead and message all you want, just don’t feel entitled to get a response when the other perons CLEARLY doesn’t want to converse with you.

False. Twitter, FB, any social media platform, you agree to their Terms&Conditions which state that anything you post on that site, or send to other users on that site are the property of said site, not yours.


When did Mia sit down and agree with Duke that these texts would be private? If he doesn’t want people to know he’s thirsty as hell then he shouldn’t send her a message every month, despite that fact that she isn’t responding. You’d think he would get the hint, but nah.

Because porn stars get tired of random dudes constantly messaging them. And that isn’t a conversation. A conversation is between two people who are talking back and forth. That was some thirsty guy messaging a girl for months on end, with no response.