
MS had the cross shaped in the original XboxOne controllers idk why they wouldn’t be able to continue that.

My uncle has terribly cracked/dry heels that need a god damn belt sander, he goes and gets them taken care of at a mani/pedi place.


I know this wasn’t in their press conference but where the hell is Free Drive Club for PS+?

This is a sad turn of events, I played split-screen with my brother growing up. And more recently the gf and I played through MCC split-screen. I guess I’ll have to buy an extra Xboxone so we can play through H5.

So the refs are gonna throw a bunch of calls Bron’s way tonight.

Lebron leading the Cavs to a championship through this hardship is too good a storyline to not root for (coming from a Raps fan who looks for anything good to root for).

Oh for sure. But some of the pressure will be off of them, Delly looks like he can ball defensively so they have a shot.

They won’t need 3 wins identical to last night’s because they can close it out on their home court. They just went through the toughest place to play on the road and now have home court on their side. Just win the games you have to at home and you’ll be okay.

FIFA is going to have the US win the World Cup so we drop all these charges.

Doesn’t have,

Both Bosh and Wade had better PPG than Wall last season.

No because Jackson hasn’t won any rings in NYC yet, Riley has gone to 5 NBA Finals in the past 10 years. Winning 3 of them.

The North is holding out for Maple Jordan to come in 5 years.

Okay, but you realize they need to field more than just 2 players right?

Before Bosh had his lung injury he was putting up 21 PPG and shooting the best 3point percentage of his career.

Dragic is under 30, Whiteside is 25 and looking like he might be the man. Bosh is still a performer, Wade can play in spurts (think Pierce on Washington, but with more juice) add in KD and that’s an awesome lineup, let alone Riley can pull some decent bench players together.

Yeah it’s not indicative but when you are starting at a new job don’t you look at how the company has done in the past to see how it might do in the future?

Jackson also hasn’t done shit in NYC. Riley has taken the Heat to 5 finals, 3 championships. I would say that’s a decent track record at his current job.

I would argue that playing for OKC even if they do have Westbrook would NOT be as good as having Whiteside, Dragic, Wade, and Bosh.