
Oh I don’t know

Thanks, been at work didn’t have time to find some terrible tweets, my savior.

Not at all the worst.

No way. This sort of white knuckle hours long ride is what MAKES this gametype so great. It follows in the footsteps of Firefight in ODST and Horder Mode in Gears. Nothing feels better than finishing off a marathon like this in one tense sitting.

They made it harder, your doubts are incorrect.

The Based God is beloved by all ages and races.

But is the kid giving anything up?

No u.

LOL PC Master Race eh? Complain more.


Wrong. Leafs is the proper plural in this case.

As a Leaf fan I’m sorry Mike, you had a good run. Welcome to the Abyss.

The one time my Ford Taurus looks good.

Where do you work that something that could be on the local news is inappropriate.

It was his first day, just because your Dad never taught you how to tie a Tie doesn’t mean you have get your Grey sweater in a bunch.

Of course his name is Adam.

That means that during the appeal for Tom he is gonna reverse the punishment, right?

I convinced my girlfriend to go see this. SHE WAS SO STOKED ON IT. God damn it I love her.